Forums - Why didnt Capcom make an AlienVsPredator II Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Why didnt Capcom make an AlienVsPredator II ( Posted by kingswift on 05:19:2001 07:23 PM: Why didnt Capcom make an AlienVsPredator II Man this fuckin game was tight. There always talking about that arcade play is dying this would a perfect game to get some heads in the arcade. That game had more moves then I ever seen in a game like that beaten up on aliens and dumping on them fuckers, man I missed that game. Even if they couldnt make another AVP they could have made a game with the same gameplay and Im sorry to say but cannonspike couldnt hold a candle to AVP. Id rather have AVP over canonspike anyday. And even after that dont you think it would be fuckin sweet if the Predators would have showed MVC2 ol girl with the sword to from AVP she would have been a phatfarm addition to the series. Posted by Neo Rasa on 05:19:2001 07:27 PM: It's because the Aliens in and of themselves are copyright 20th/21st Century Fox, and the human characters in Alien vs. Predator were copyright Darkhorse Comics, so I think Capcom just doesn't want to bother doing so much paperwork just so they can make another beat'em up. Posted by kingswift on 05:19:2001 07:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by Neo Rasa It's because the Aliens in and of themselves are copyright 20th/21st Century Fox, and the human characters in Alien vs. Predator were copyright Darkhorse Comics, so I think Capcom just doesn't want to bother doing so much paperwork just so they can make another beat'em up. A yo neo good looking out for the post, your information kinda ease my anger towards my fav company capcom but dont you think they could still make another game with the same gameplay, shit I wouldnt even mind another dungeons & dragons. As long as get to go through the game with the same or better array of moves beaten the shit out my enemies. Posted by Neo Rasa on 05:19:2001 08:02 PM: Unfortunately I don't think Capcom has any interest in side scrolling beat'em ups anymore other than Final Fight being ported onto the Gameboy Advance. If you're near a good arcade though you might want to keep an eye out for Sengoku 3 by SNK, I think it's being released next month. Posted by fei long on 05:19:2001 08:02 PM: they announced at e3 alien vs [redator 2 or some shit like that but its a 1st 3rd person shooter, but still should be fun Posted by s†onne on 05:19:2001 09:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by Neo Rasa Unfortunately I don't think Capcom has any interest in side scrolling beat'em ups anymore other than Final Fight being ported onto the Gameboy Advance. If you're near a good arcade though you might want to keep an eye out for Sengoku 3 by SNK, I think it's being released next month. Now that's what i'm talking about Posted by ShinEFF on 05:19:2001 11:34 PM: The new Aliens Vs. Predator game has nothing to do with Capcom. It's being done by Fox interactive and Sierra. Posted by EndLeSS8 on 05:19:2001 11:42 PM: Yea it's a shame that there's no AvP 2 by Capcom. I truly loved that was the best side scroller beat-em up BY FAR. And I OWN at that game. I can beat Expert mode with 9 lives. My bro fluked out and did it on 7. Kinda funny, cuz on expert mode, almost every hit from ANY alien takes off 1/4 - 1/3 of your life bar. But I'm still looking forward to AvP2 by Fox. Hopefully my computer still has enough power to run it. l8z Posted by Mr. SmArTy on 05:20:2001 01:01 AM: Whatever happened to this game? Did capcom ever make a home version? Posted by Mmeeva on 05:20:2001 01:03 AM: Nope, Capcom never made a home version. And I'm not even sure if the game has been emulated yet. Posted by Neo Rasa on 05:20:2001 01:08 AM: It was emulated a few months ago, along with most all other CSP-2 games. Posted by Mmeeva on 05:20:2001 01:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by Neo Rasa It was emulated a few months ago, along with most all other CSP-2 games. Shows how much I've been paying attention. Thanks! Posted by homerSCORPION on 05:20:2001 01:19 AM: Yep the game has been emulated, look for it on the net. and I didn't know Kurosawa was a Dark Horse character, I always thought she was a Capcom bred elite. quote: The SCORPION owns all of you! Posted by Mmeeva on 05:20:2001 01:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by homerSCORPION Yep the game has been emulated, look for it on the net. and I didn't know Kurosawa was a Dark Horse character, I always thought she was a Capcom bred elite. I also thought Capcom created Lynn too. I mean besides the AvP game she does make camoes in Street Fighter Alpha 2, and SF3. Posted by Neo Rasa on 05:20:2001 01:52 AM: Capcom's right to the characters probably wasn't up by the time SFA2 was out, I can't speak for SF3 though. Dutch Schaeffer is based on the one in the Dark Horse adaptation of the Predator film, who in turn was based off of Arnold Swarzenagger's character in the actual movie. The Predator Hunter and Predator Warrior are based off of Daychande and Tichinde from the Cold War storyline. That fat bald general is supposed to be General Spears from the Nightmare Asylum storyline. Lynn is also from the Cold War storyline. Posted by sfr on 05:20:2001 02:42 AM: AvP was great... While we're discussing Capcom side-scrolling beat-em ups, did anyone play that Capcom XMen game for the SNES? I never saw the cart, but I've got it on my comp for an SNES emu - that game is cool - it's a sidescrolling platform/beat-em-up mix, but the hip part is that in addition to the standard Final Fight style controls, you can enter Street Fighter style commands for special attacks. Very nice. Posted by homerSCORPION on 05:20:2001 02:55 AM: Hey I just found out that Kurosawa was and is an original Capcom Character quote: Predators, Aliens, and Terminators Oh My! Posted by homerSCORPION on 05:20:2001 02:57 AM: Cause Dark Horse ain't that creative, he he Posted by Bruton on 05:20:2001 03:18 AM: The Predator Warrior is the best. I beat that game without losing a life at all. =) Posted by Mr. SmArTy on 05:20:2001 04:33 AM: Where could I find the emulated game? Posted by Yang Lee on 05:20:2001 04:48 AM: Problem is most rom sites suck... Posted by el_diablo on 05:20:2001 05:01 AM: go to: (no www) but you gotta have finalburn...... Posted by neokobun on 05:20:2001 05:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by sfr AvP was great... While we're discussing Capcom side-scrolling beat-em ups, did anyone play that Capcom XMen game for the SNES? I never saw the cart, but I've got it on my comp for an SNES emu - that game is cool - it's a sidescrolling platform/beat-em-up mix, but the hip part is that in addition to the standard Final Fight style controls, you can enter Street Fighter style commands for special attacks. Very nice. Yeah, I have that game for my SNES. It's pretty cool Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 05:20:2001 05:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mmeeva Nope, Capcom never made a home version. And I'm not even sure if the game has been emulated yet. I got nothin against peoples tastes , but I never really liked Alien vs Preditor or Alien vs Preditor 2 , and I hope it takes the people trying to emulate it a while so that I can beat some of my other games and let me see the difference between the 2 Alien vs Preditor games ... Posted by Mr. SmArTy on 05:20:2001 05:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by neokobun Yeah, I have that game for my SNES. It's pretty cool I don't think we're talking about the same game. I think the one on SNES was a 1 or 2 player game. The one we're talking about is 4 players. Posted by Neo Rasa on 05:20:2001 05:40 AM: Mirai: There is no Alien vs. Predator 2. The X-Men games you're mixing up are: SNES: X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse. Fricking awesome platform game by Capcom. Arcade only: X-Men. OUTSTANDING 2~6 player side scrolling beat'em up from Konami. Posted by [PNSF]8-ball on 05:20:2001 07:05 AM: . i'm still waiting for the damn movie AvsP to come out. i mean c'mon its been on every christmas wishlist for the past 8 years! Posted by Gaseous Snake on 05:20:2001 07:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Neo Rasa SNES: X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse. Fricking awesome platform game by Capcom. frickin hard quote: Originally posted by Neo Rasa Arcade only: X-Men. OUTSTANDING 2~6 player side scrolling beat'em up from Konami. frickin brilliant Posted by ytz16 on 05:20:2001 11:04 AM: heh. Avp the movie would kick major ass.. but really.. is ANYONE going to make it? Surely we'd have had an announcement or SOMETHING? would they really do a 'starwars' and make us wait for 25 years? Posted by Neo Rasa on 05:20:2001 04:35 PM: The Alien vs. Predator movie was ditched a while ago. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:56 PM. Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.